Wednesday, November 21, 2012

First Law of Familydynamics

As an investigator of the natural world, I have discovered what I like to call the "First Law of Familydynamics". It simply states that the orderliness of a household is directly proportional to the number of adult males and children who reside there.

As we all know, entropy (generally, the tendency toward disorder) is a force to be reckoned with, and must be valiantly fought every day, all day. It takes a fair amount of activation energy to overcome the energy barrier that entropy seems to create.

Knowing this is actually comforting, because like bathing or exercising, cleaning up after your messy family must be done constantly and consistently. Just because other people don't do it, doesn't mean that you shouldn't. And it is quite simply a law of nature to be considered, not complained about. With that in mind, I shall have no guilt in swiftly disposing crap into garbage bags, or holding ransom, specific items that someone may hold dear. Entropy sucks!

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