Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Thankschristmasgiving Lesson: Don't be a Cottonheaded Ninnymuggins

Well, we did it. Got it all done complete with turkey, KFC and a bushel of oysters, compliments of our coastal peops, and with only a bit of blood shed.  Now we did have "men down", as they waged their own private battle against the evil viral forces, but overall it was great fun.

Amid the Pre-Thankschristmasgiving prep, which of course is chaotic, my 9yr old asked me a strange question:

Ethan:  Mom, what's your biggest regret?
Me: (oh good Lord!) Uuummmmm....jeez where do I start.....
Ethan:  Is it having kids?
Me:  Whaaat?! Heavens No I've always been a sucker for torture! Besides, just the other day I was the "best mama ever!" Good Grief.  Nevertheless, I was haunted by his comment. Now seriously, both of my precious love muffins were not only planned, but immensely loved, even when only mere thoughts! I DO regret having some fairly odd personality traits that keep me from getting the "Mom of the Year Award" and it's my cross to bear but it doesn't keep me from trying like hell!

Sooo...in the words of my wise little 4yr old:  "BE COOL MAN!"  Because like Santa, your kids are watching YOU! .....and alway remember....

Cottonheaded ninnymuggins

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